Build an amazing media kit in 1 hour!
How to Use the Media Kit 101 Course
Hello! Watch this before you start, please.
Before we begin...
WHY: --Who needs a media kit?
Media Kit Checklist [PDF]
WHAT: --the simple basics you need to include on a media kit.
How big should a media kit be?
What to use to build your media kit?
1. Logo & Tagline
2. About you (with photo)
3. Collaborations, features, testimonials
4. Stats & numbers
Where to find your page views in Google Analytics.
5. Services and prices
6. Where to find you, and contact info.
Creating a media kit on PicMonkey: DEMO
Creating a media kit on Canva: DEMO
Saving your file for future editing
Workaround for saving an editable file without a Canva or PicMonkey account
Congrats! Here's where you should use your media kit.
What and how to keep updated PLUS...more resources for you
Before you go...
[VIDEO] Make it Last
Make It Last
Upgrade your sharing--> video lesson
Overshare: try these to give your client more value.
The Personal Touch -- create a tangible connection
Bonus PDF: Brand partnership gift ideas
Reporting--> video lesson
Head back around a few months later
Bonus: Reporting Survey
Bonus: Sample Reporting Survey
I'm Janel and I'm so glad to see you here :).
Janel Hutton